Little wandle live event

Willow Dene hosted our first online Little Wandle Champion School Live Event of the year!
This term we hosted our first online Little Wandle Champion School Live Event of the year. As a proud SEND Champion school, we were delighted to showcase how the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised phonics program can be effectively adapted to meet the needs of every learner, including those with special educational needs and disabilities.
The event brought together teachers, reading leads and headteachers from across the country, providing an opportunity to explore practical strategies, witness teaching demonstrations through video footage, and celebrate the incredible achievements of our children. Participants were able to see how the Little Wandle framework is implemented in our classrooms, with an emphasis on accessibility, relationships, and every child as a unique learner.
As a Little Wandle Champion School, we are committed to empowering every child to develop essential literacy skills in a supportive and nurturing environment, rooted in a strong foundation of reading for pleasure, exposure to oral blending opportunities and the systematic teaching of phonics for those who are ready.