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MOVE Accreditation

What is the MOVE programme? 

MOVE is an activity-based programme run by Enham Trust, which helps young people with physical disabilities to gain independent movement. 

MOVE stands for Movement for Learning and Life. The MOVE philosophy is that movement is the foundation for learning.  

MOVE focuses on what the child can already do, not what they cannot do.  It is a positive approach and goals are set which are realistic, achievable and functional. The aim of MOVE is that children are given opportunities to learn and practise new skills on a daily basis which will help develop independence, family life, social skills and well-being. Every achievement is recognised and celebrated.      

MOVE combines education, therapy and family knowledge to teach the movement skills of sitting, standing, walking and transitioning between. 

Willow Dene School is a MOVE Centre of Excellence, and we hold the MOVE quality Mark. Our MOVE Lead is an associate trainer for MOVE. 

Willow Dene, on average, has about 30 children on a MOVE programme, 10 graduates, and around 30 children either on a Heads First or Breakout programme, which both develop pre-MOVE skills.  

At Willow Dene we have a MOVE Team that consists of the MOVE Lead, our Gym Specialist (Try-Cycle) and our AKKA Specialist. 

We enjoy celebrating MOVE achievements which we do regularly through the website, Twitter, newsletters and assemblies.  Annually, we join together to celebrate National MOVE Day. 

For more information on the MOVE Programme, or associate programmes such as HeadsFirst, Brakeout, Try-Cycle or AKKA, please contact the school and ask to speak to a member of the MOVE team or visit the Enham Trust website: