Primary Admissions
Willow Dene is a school for pupils with Special Educational Needs. We cater for children aged 2 – 19 years with a wide range of learning difficulties, including Autism and complex learning and medical needs (CN).
All our pupils have an Educational Health Care plan (EHC). Occasionally, we do admit pupils into assessment places. Pupils are referred to the school by the Local Authority's SEN department.
All admissions are decided by the Local Authority’s Special Educational Needs Panel. The Panel considers EHC plans to ensure that Willow Dene is the most appropriate place to meet the needs of the pupil.
For further information, please speak with the SEN Co-ordinator at your child’s school or the Special Educational Needs Officer at the Royal Borough of Greenwich on 0208 854 8888.
Visits to our school are welcomed and encouraged. Please call the administration office for an appointment on 0208 854 9841.
Admissions Criteria
To apply for a place at Willow Dene Primary School an applicant must have an Education, Health and Care Plan. The pupil must have significant, severe and complex needs but does not need a formal diagnosis. These are such that several different agencies are involved in supporting the pupil and their family which would require a significant lead professional role to manage and integrate all the different sources of support:
• Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD)
• A severe autistic spectrum disorder in the context of a learning difficulty as described above
• Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD)
Other documentation required
• Most recent Annual Review
• Other recent professional advice where appropriate (less than 12 months) - e.g.: Educational Psychologist (EP), Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT), Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Admissions Process
You can express a preference for your child to attend Willow Dene Primary School during the EHC needs assessment or annual review processes. An application form will need to be completed.
• In year applications will be considered by an Admissions Panel (this may be virtual).
• Places for primary transfer pupils will be considered by the Admissions Panel in the Spring Term